
Flex-Up - Refresh and Focus

Just like with our first 3-day plan, a big part of REFRESH2 021US is the vegan nutrition plan and the focus on healthy plant-based recipes. But we’ve packed our brand new plan full of activities to help you focus and find inspiration in the year ahead, supporting your nutrition with mindful exercises along the way. From yoga and muscle relaxation to calligraphy and poetry, why do we encourage these practices?

Our new plan is all about the new year and a new chance to achieve and accomplish in 2021 after the past 12 months, which have been rather rocky, to say the least. We want to inspire and empower you with a helpful plan that can help to kickstart what will hopefully be a smoother and more focused year this time around.

Each day, we invite you to complete a gratitude diary with mindful activities that are designed to help alleviate stress and anxiety, boost your self-compassion and encourage you to tune in to the world around you. Our lives often become so busy that we let the world pass us by. It’s so important to take a step back and just come into your own sense of being. Exercises like mindful eating sharpen your senses, while regular deep breathing and similar small practices make a big difference to your day. 

This time around, we’ve incorporated morning laughter yoga to help you start your day feeling energised and motivated. Balance is achieved with daily evening muscle relaxation techniques that are designed to help you let go of stress and tension, focusing on a different set of core muscles each day. Our plan asks you to reflect and ask yourself how you’re feeling and what you’re proud of that day so that you can really explore and manage your emotions, ending each day on a positive note.

Towards the back of the plan, you’re invited to enjoy some calligraphy and poetry exercises that we’ve put together to provide you with a calming respite and creative reflection time. These activities are great for when you need 5 minutes of timeout, with each daily theme offering a new opportunity for self-expression and your own creative interpretation.

Hopefully, by the time you come to the end of the 3 days, you’ll have gained some new tools that you can take with you into 2021 to make this year the best it possibly can be. You’re encouraged to think about how you feel having completed the plan, plus given the chance to consider your future goals. Download REFRESH2 021US for free with any purchase via the Osius website, and be sure to share your experience with us by using the hashtag #OsiusRefresh on social media!
